Acupuncturist, Asian Bodywork Therapist (Acupressure, Shiatsu, Tuina, Qi Gong, etc.), Hypnotist, Intuitive Life Coach and Energy Muse
(617) 942-1271
With more than 30 years of experience and 5,000 hours of professional training, Lauren offers a wide range of services to support individuals, families and businesses. She has a private practice as an Acupuncturist, Asian Bodywork Therapist (Acupressure, Shiatsu, Tuina, Qi Gong, etc.), Hypnotist, Intuitive Life Coach and Energy Muse. With a love for community and education she is the Founding Director of Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center (EMTEC) and President of Acupressure Therapy Institute (ATI).
Adventures for Body, Mind, Emotions & Spirit
Integrative Therapies: Using east Asian traditions and integrative therapies to help you step back into the flow of your life with an elevated sense of strength, resilience, and resourcefulness. Includes: Acupuncture, Asian Bodywork Therapy (Acupressure, Shiatsu, Tuina, Medical Qigong), Intuitive Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Guided Meditation.
Integrative Coaching: Using the principles of East Asian Traditions and Neuroplasticity to Re-Imagine and consciously Re-Engineer how we experience life. Includes: Intuitive Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Energy Transformation, and other Traditional & Integrative Therapies to help you transform outdated paradigms and let go of limiting patterns, behaviors and beliefs that keep you from stepping into an elevated version of yourself.
Transformative Experiences: Events and workshops. Public, professional, corporate.
In Person and Virtual: Sessions are customized for your individual and unique needs.
Relevant and Affiliated Websites
Acupressure Therapy Institute:
Professional Asian bodywork therapy training in acupressure shiatsu. 16-month training program; Evenings and Weekends. Program follows American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA) national standards.
Eastern Medicinal Therapies Education Center:
Offering professional level programming in traditional and contemporary east Asian healing arts. Workshops and events in complementary and integrative therapies.
Inspired Thought Integrative Therapies:
Tuina Fundamentals: Shanghai Style with Bill Helm
Friday (Friday-Monday, November 8-11, 2024 (in-person)
All day, some evening times