Physical Therapy, Osteopathic-based Manual Therapy, Bio energetics and GYROTONIC®
(781) 400-4644
Jennifer graduated from the Northeastern University Physical Therapy program in 1996. Her initial passion for athletes (competitive swimming and collegiate rowing) expanded into a more holistic approach after her own injuries and medical issues guided her learning and practice in a different direction.
In 1999 she pursued a training certification program with Sharon Weiselfish Giametteo called Integrative Manual Therapy. This comprehensive program includes: myofascial release, muscle energy technique, visceral or organ release, cranial sacral and somatic release techniques. She worked directly with her mentor for immersion level understanding in multiple centers in the US for more than 10 years.
During this learning pursuit by grace she was introduced to the GYROTONIC® exercise method while living and working in San Francisco. Muscle re education or therapeutic exercise is primarily done with this method. She has completed level one and level two tower work. For more info:
GYROTONIC® is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.
Book a session with Jennifer or check out her website here:
Foundational Bodywork Methods for Everyone to Use
Saturday (Next: Oct 19)
9:00 am—1:00 pm