Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork, natick massage

Roots & Wings

Yoga and Healing Arts

Angela Alston, GCFP, MFA


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Angela Alston, Feldenkrais teacher, natick, ma, instructor

Supporting the healing process and nurturing the self.

"Deepen your roots and spread your wings."

Feldenkrais teacher

Come to class with me if you'd like to re-connect with your own innate strength, your birthright as a human being. What you learn about yourself will surprise and delight you. Plus you'll have a whole lot of fun!

Thanks to my ongoing practice of the Feldenkrais Method®-working with myself as well as teaching-I've grown older yet move better than I did when I began taking classes in 1996. I've discovered patterns of moving and thinking that don't serve me,and found more useful choices. I've uncovered innate strength that was previously inaccessible, even unknown to me.

The result is that I'm more efficient:
• working at a computer,
• walking,
• carrying groceries,
• dancing,
• playing the ukulele,
• or whatever's needed in the moment.

I've come back stronger and learned from injuries-torn meniscus, sprains, and breaks. And I'm better able to deal with adversity. To meet the challenges and confusion that life sends my way with flexibility and awareness. Yes sometimes I fall down, but I fall well!

Reach out to learn more about my in-person & online classes and programs:

Access Your Innate Strength
Thursdays (remote classes weekly)
12:30—1:30 pm