Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork, natick massage

Roots & Wings

Yoga and Healing Arts

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Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork

Supporting the healing process and nurturing the self.

"Deepen your roots and spread your wings."

Comments about Lisa Megidesh

"BREATHE! FEEL! RELAX! BE A WITNESS! . . . .powerful, energetic words that Lisa Megidesh has shared with her yoga students as repetitious words to feed our minds, bodies, and souls! These mantras continue to support my personal growth as a long member (10+ years) of Lisa's Thursday night Kripalu Moderate yoga class."

Click to read more comments about Lisa Megidesh.

A comment about Andrea's class

"Since attending Svaroopa yoga I am pain free and I feel stronger and much more flexible. After just one class I began to sleep more soundly. I didn't even know the degree of discomfort I was experiencing until I was free of it. My posture is much better and I have more stamina. Every night I do a few of the Magic Four before turning in and I sleep deeply."

Click to read more...about why Chris Nevins started Svaroopa Yoga, and more.

Comments about Svaroopa Yoga and Melissa Fountain

"I am grateful to Melissa and Roots & Wings for offering a free demonstration of Svaroopa Yoga. When I saw that this kind of yoga helps those with pain in knees, back, tail bone and neck, I thought, "Wow, that is me! I need to go learn about that." So I went, tried it out, and felt it was going to be just what I needed."

Click to read more...about how Debra G. integrated Svaroopa Yoga into her busy life and how much better she feels after almost a year...also about eating less, weight loss and additional benefits.